Recently in the office, standing around the workbench one lazy Friday afternoon having an early weekend wine, the discussion turned from maternity wear and baby showers to some of the weird and wonderful ways that women are proposed to. Centred on the amazing videos of far out proposals on youtube, I quickly realised that proposals are some of those strange things that almost become pitted in legend – if they are good enough.So what is classed as good enough? Is it the romance, the intricacy of the plan, the level of action or the expense involved? Talking to the girls, I could see that of all the criteria, interestingly, expense seems to be of the least importance. While all ladies love to be able to show off the big diamond engagement ring and in that way may appear to be a bit superficial, it was interesting to note that when it actually came to popping the question, materialism went out the window and was replaced by a type of sentimentalism that is rarely seen in this day and age.
Regardless of the consensus that the proposal was not about the money, but about the delivery, the different opinions and ‘scores’ given by different girls just went to show you better know your lady very well before you get down on one. So boys, while I can’t give you any straightforward advice, any step by steps to the perfect proposal or any pointers that lead to a sure thing, I can give you the top three we came up with.
1. The winner
He clearly knew her inside and out, and treasured every moment they had spent together since day dot. Sending a cab to collect her, she had returned home to find a note on the bed advising that her chariot was awaiting. Speeding off, and in on the plan, the cabby took her to a central shopping area and let her out in front of a stranger who issued her the name of a store. She went to the DVD store and presented at the counter as instructed, to be given a new clue and a copy of the very first movie they ever saw together. With her next clue, she wound up at a bottle shop, picking up a new clue and a bottle of wine they had shared on an early picnic. The next, her favourite gourmet chocolates were the gift and another clue. This continued until she arrived at a picnic blanket in a sunny park, with the main elements that symbolised each year of their life together firmly in hand. Met by her fiancé. She was told he remembered and cherished every year, and wanted to treasure many more as her husband!
2. The non traditionalist
She was sick of waiting, but she knew she’d found the one, so she took action into her own hands. He was a mechanic and keen on the bike he was fixing up in the garage. She went out briefly while he slept in, preparing a beautiful breakfast. He awoke in bed, accompanied by hundreds of rose petals and a small gift box. He opened it to find a shiny new gold spanner. She returned half an hour later...and explained to him that the spanner was not a fancy tool to work on his bike with, as he was doing, but if he looked closely held his engagement ring, and a note asking him to marry her. It didn’t go to plan, but he said yes.
3. The TV winner
Conversation of course shifted to what we knew best – the movies. And what could be more moving than the proposal to Julia Roberts’ character in Stepmum. With a reel of cotton in a gift box, he surprised her, sending a diamond ring down the thread and perfectly onto her finger as he told her the story of a beautiful analogy about the threads keeping them together.